Calling all mountain biking enthusiasts!

Our annual General Assembly will be held at the Mont-Tremblant Town Hall (council room) on April 21, starting at 7 pm. We will briefly be going over last season’s highlights before presenting to those in attendance all the new things in store for season 2017.

It’s the perfect time to come talk with us and ask us any questions you might have!

If you want to be more actively involved, we also have several elected positions on our Board of Directors. You could help us by contributing to trail development, user experience or lend a hand with administration.

Each candidate must prepare a brief speech explaining their motivations! Elections will be held by vote during the General Assembly.

Season 2017 passes will be drawn amongst the participants!

I will be there!

To all trail users,

Due to warming temperatures, our fatbike trail network is now closed for the remainder of the season. Mechanical maintenance of the trails is completed and the next step will be the spring chores once the ground is completely thawed and free of snow.

In order to reduce our impact on the environment and to ensure the sustainability of our trails, we ask you to please be patient and not ride before the thaw. Even if there is no snow anymore, the earth might still be frozen beneath. If we want to provide a safe experience for cyclists and ensure that the trails are maintained for the summer, the ground needs a bit of rest between the two seasons.

The sale of trail access passes will resume once we officially open the mountain bike trails for the season.  Our season launch is scheduled for May, which we will be celebrating with a Tail Gate party.

We hope all you winter riders fully enjoyed the trails!

For more information on trail conditions, visit our web page.